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Beyonce’s Summer Music Tour

Its tour season and Beyonce is jet setting all over the globe to support her new album “4”. There were rumors that the album wasn’t going to be successful, when the first single was leaked early in June and only made it to #29 on the Billboard Hot 100. Beyonce has the last laugh though because her album is #1 on the Billboard 200. There is an 18 month global promotional plan which includes, putting out a lot of singles, making videos, and extensive touring, according to Columbia exec, Rob Stringer.

Apparently the fans named the new album, saying they were waiting for number 4, so Beyonce decided to name the album “4” for her fourth album. She explained that four was an important number to her, her birthday is on the fourth and so is her husbands, she got married o

n the fourth, so she likes the number! She described the album as a departure from her usual radio friendly a bit of rock, jazz, a lot of live instrementation”, she said she wanted to bring chords and bridges and melody back on the radio. That was her goal. Looks like the album is a resounding success….find Beyonce sheet music here.

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